Learn To Play

For more information about polo lessons in your state please contact the following:

NSW: please contact nsw@australianpolo.com.au 

WA: Polo Kidogo - Brett and Chrissy Kiely
PO Box 154, Serpentine, WA 6125
Tel: (08) 9525 2358
Mob: 0419 909 420
Email: polok@iinet.net.au

WA: Perth Polo Club Inc.
PO Box 368
Guildford, WA, 6935
Email: clubcaptain@perthpoloclub.com.au
Secretary: Anouk Viana Mob: 0437 626 880

QLD: Queensland Polo Association

Queensland Polo Association Contact details:
Email: admin@queenslandpolo.com.au, mobile: 0458 772 753

QLD: Brisbane Polo & Equestrian Club
23 Schmidt Rd, Eagleby, Qld
Contact Warwick Steen Ph: 0419 705 683

QLD: Downs Polo Club
Contact: Will Gilmore 0429 134199

 please contact secretary@vicpolo.com.au

VIC: Yaloak Polo Club
Contact: Kelly Keyte Mobile: 0400 081 188
Email : yaloakpolo@bigpond.com

VIC: Hexham Polo Club
Contact : Sam Gairdner Mobile : 0432 741 404
Email : sgairdner@me.com
Website : https://www.bakersbridgepolo.com

SA: Adelaide Polo Club
Contact: Andrew Dodman 0419 828 190

Please note: Polo is a contact sport. It can be dangerous and there is an inherent risk.